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What was your favorite trip in 2020 ?

As we inch closer to 2021, I can't help but look back and trip out on what a year 2020 has been... 2020 hit us with a global pandemic, civil unrest, catastrophic wildfires, economic uncertainty and even fear mongered society into staying at home. In the midst of all the chaos, one must seek out the hidden opportunities, find the silver lining and keep living the life you were meant to live!

Taking trips in 2020 reminded of my rebellious teenage years when my folks would try to ground me or prevent me from 'living my best life' "for my own good" ...Pshhhh.... yea right...I'm out! I guess that mentality carried into my adult life! Oh well....That would probably be another blog on its own...

I would have to say, the silver lining in 2020 for me was the being able to seize the moment and just "going for it" . Each trip we took was a calculated risk. Is it safe? What do the Covid numbers look like? Are people going to hate on us? Are areas we are planning to visit going to be open? Will we get sweated by the law or possibly even the locals ? and so on and so on... There were times when we've decided against going because it didn't feel right and just decided to follow our gut instincts, but 9 times out of 10, when we came to the conclusion of "It's go time!" It was always worth it!

Anything beats staying home in fear of the "What if's?" What if this or What if that... Well, let's find out !

In doing what we do, we are going to places that literally have no other people around! You wanna talk about social distancing? How about a few miles between the next closest people ? I'm good with that. I feel safer out there, than going to the supermarket sometimes.

2020 allowed me to experience places I would not have been able to go to because of schedule and time restrictions. The hidden opportunity was Work from home (or wherever you can find a wifi-signal) ! After you take care of business, Adventure forward!

Yes, 2020 was difficult, yes, 2020 brought on many challenges and uncertainty, but it also allowed us to look at life from a different perspective. It allowed us to grow outside of our comfort zones and forced us to make well informed decisions.

So.... What was your favorite trip in 2020 ? The theoretical answer is - The trips I took with the people I consider family and made some wild-dope-fresh-kick-ass-epic-what-the- fuck-oh shit moments with!

The concrete or definite answer is difficult to pin-point to one specific place. Some places have been areas of re-visits because each time you visit that place, the experience will always be different. New places are always up there as well because there is nothing like discovering a place you are unfamiliar with. A place that immediately catches you attention and makes you yearn to learn as much as you can about that place in the little time you have to explore or wander. So in that sense, places like the Mojave Road, Anza Borrego & Death Valley - areas all worth revisiting forever will always be in my favorites list, but at the very top of that list for 2020 would be The Pacific Northwest from California to Washington.

... As well as the new (to me) places like parts of Arizona, Utah and Colorado !

Just being able to get out, especially in these crazy times, will always be a blessing! If 2020 taught me anything, its to not take anything you have for granted and appreciate with all of your heart and soul all of the experiences that life has to offer (the good and the bad - as long as you learned something from those experiences). Keep that Positive Mental Attitude and adventure onward! With that being said, I welcome 2021' and all that it has to offer.... Below are some of my favorite experiences of 2020.... Enjoy and please subscribe on the site and youtube. Peace!

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